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    What's the difference between organic tea & regular tea?

    by Kimberley Wright December 10, 2022 2 min read

    Why choose organic tea?
    I think by now we all know the benefits of organic…well everything!
    From produce that we consume, to products we slather on our skin, ‘organic’ means there are no chemicals, pesticides, or other additives used in their production.

    So, is it good to drink organic tea?

    Short answer: Absolutely!
    When it comes to tea, you might be surprised that there is actually a huge difference between organic tea & regular tea. Investigations have found pesticides and other additives in some produce even though they claimed the opposite!
    Pesticides & other chemicals are harmful to our health, and despite some of them being banned in many countries, their residues are still being detected in concerning quantities in tea that have been farmed in the conventional way.
    Some pesticides you may find in conventionally grown teas:
    Endosulfan – a toxic chlorinated insecticide that is chemically similar to DDT, a known carcinogen, endocrine disruptor, and cause of liver, skin & nervous system abnormalities (1)
    Acetamaprid – an agricultural insecticide linked to issues with brain development.
    Bifenthrin – A pesticide that is similar to glyphosate & a carcinogen.
    Carbendazim – A fungicide linked to male reproductive issues, is highly genotoxic (meaning it can cause chromosomal or DNA damage), and is a known endocrine disruptor.
    Monocrotophs - a toxic insecticide.
    Learning this was a huge wake up call for me, and led me to remove conventional teas in my home & replace them with organic, loose leaf teas. My health (and yours!) is worth it.
    If you’re ready to try some delicious, 100% organic, cruelty free, vegan teas – right this way>
    1. Longnecker, M P, Rogan, W J & Lucier G 1997 The human health effects of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and PCBS (polychlorinated biphenyls) and an overview of organochlorines in public health. Annual Review of Public Health. 8:211-244